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/* Generated by Interface Builder
** You may freely copy, distribute and reuse the code in this example.
** Eric Tremblay disclaims any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, as to
** its fitness for any particular use.
** July 26, 1992
#import "MyObject.h"
#import <appkit/TextField.h>
#import <appkit/ScrollView.h> /* Used by setDocView */
#import <appkit/Text.h>/* Used by textLenght etc... */
@implementation MyObject
- textLengthTest:sender
/* The number of characters in the Text object . */
int HowLongIsTheText;
document = [MyScrollView docView];
/* assigns the length of the text in MyScrollView */
HowLongIsTheText = [document textLength];
/* Displays how many characters is in the text */
[theTextLength setIntValue:HowLongIsTheText];
return self;
- selectTextTest:sender
/* This selects "highlights" the text in MyScrollView */
[[MyScrollView docView] selectText:document];
return self;
- checkSpellingTest:sender
/* This checks the spelling of the text in the MyScrollView document */
document = [MyScrollView docView];
[[MyScrollView docView] checkSpelling:document]; /* Spell check */
[[MyScrollView docView] showGuessPanel:document]; /* Guess and replace panel */
return self;
- byteLengthTest:sender
/* This displays how many bytes are used in the text of MyScrollView */
int HowManyBytes;
document = [MyScrollView docView];
HowManyBytes = [document byteLength];
[theByteLength setIntValue:HowManyBytes];
return self;
- setTextTest:sender
/* This takes the text in setTextInput and displays it in MyScrollView */
const char *inputString;
inputString = [setTextInput stringValue];
[[MyScrollView docView] setText:inputString];
return self;
- appendTextTest:sender
/* This will get the text in appendTextInput and add it at the end of MyScrollView */
int HowLongIsTheText;
const char *inputString;
inputString = [appendTextInput stringValue]; /* gets the inputString */
document = [MyScrollView docView];
/* Determines how many characters are in MyScrollViews document */
HowLongIsTheText = [document textLength];
/* Selects and empty selection, which in fact places the cursor at the end of the document */
[document setSel:HowLongIsTheText:HowLongIsTheText];
/* Replaces the selection (in this case it is empty) with inputString */
[document replaceSel:inputString];
return self;
- backWhite:sender
/* This will change the background color of MyScrollView */
[[MyScrollView docView] setBackgroundGray:NX_WHITE];
[MyScrollView display];
return self;
- backBlack:sender
/* This will change the background color of MyScrollView */
[[MyScrollView docView] setBackgroundGray:NX_BLACK];
[MyScrollView display];
return self;
- backLgray:sender
/* This will change the background color of MyScrollView */
[[MyScrollView docView] setBackgroundGray:NX_LTGRAY];
[MyScrollView display];
return self;
- backDgray:sender
/* This will change the background color of MyScrollView */
[[MyScrollView docView] setBackgroundGray:NX_DKGRAY];
[MyScrollView display];
return self;
- textWhite:sender
/* changes the color of the text in MyScrollView */
[[MyScrollView docView] setTextGray:NX_WHITE];
[MyScrollView display];
return self;
- textBlack:sender
/* changes the color of the text in MyScrollView */
[[MyScrollView docView] setTextGray:NX_BLACK];
[MyScrollView display];
return self;
- textLgray:sender
/* changes the color of the text in MyScrollView */
[[MyScrollView docView] setTextGray:NX_LTGRAY];
[MyScrollView display];
return self;
- textDgray:sender
/* changes the color of the text in MyScrollView */
[[MyScrollView docView] setTextGray:NX_DKGRAY];
[MyScrollView display];
return self;
- PrintScroll:sender
/* This method will print the scrollView to the printer */
// Printing is rather simple; just send printPSCode: to the text view
// you wish to print. The print panel will automatically pop up and unless
// the user cancels the printout the text view will be printed.
[[MyScrollView docView] printPSCode:self];
return self;
- PrintWindow:sender
/* This method will print the WHOLE panel to the printer */
[TheWindow printPSCode:self];
return self;